漂亮的英文单词有: beautiful; pretty; beautiful; good-looking; handsome 漂亮的英文单词的例句: 1.是做到完美,使用漂亮的零错误句法? Was it being perfect, using beautiful syntax with no mistakes? 2.她是个漂亮的女孩...
祝你生日快乐 Happy birthday to you! 祝你生日快乐英文例句: 1.因为是她的生日,祝你生日快乐! It's her birthday. Happy birthday! 2.祝你生日快乐,身体健康。 Wish you happy birthday and good health. 3.祝你生日快...
表达好吃不要老用delicious,学习用意思为美味好吃的11个英语单词及例句。 delicious 美味可口的,好吃 Does that slice of chocolate cake look delicious or is it all in your head ? 那块巧克力蛋糕是不是看上去很...
人山人海的英语口语怎么说,有人译为there are many people,也有人直译为:People mountain people sea. 这就是中国式英文,老外很难理解。他们指人多时,通常只说:There is a large crowd of people.或者hug...
其次 adv. secondly ; next ; then misc. in the second place ; in the next place 双语例句 其次要做的事是什么? What is the next thing to be done? 其次,我们可以选择伪善。 Next, we have the hypocrisy option. 人民解放军走在...
Good night. have a good night. 有的时候直接说 night. 好梦是have a good dream. 晚安[wǎn ān] [套] good night; bon soir; good evening; nighty-night ; 关于晚安的英文例句: 1.晚安,睡个好觉,当心别被虫咬。 Good night....
春天 [chūn tiān] springtime; spring; springtide 关于春天的短语 春天呐喊 Spring Scream ; Spring Scream Festival 春天小夜曲 Serenade To Spring 春天红 Spring Rose ; Spring Rose Marble 米兰春天 Milan Spring ; Mspring ; spring m...
星期一到星期日的英文及其读法 星期一 Monday ['mndi, 'mndei] 星期二 Tuesday ['tju:zdi] 星期三 Wednesday['wenzdei, 'wenzdi] 星期四 Thursday[':zdi] 星期五 Friday['fraidi] 星期六 Saturday['stdi] 星期日 Sunday['sndi] 星期...
美味的英文怎么说? delicious food; delicacy; delicious; dainty; daintiness; 美味的拼音:[měi wi] 美味的英文例句: 1.从七大洋里捞起来的各种美味。 Delicious delights from the seven seas. 【好吃,味道好,美味】...
祝我生日快乐英文怎么写? Happy Birthday to Me 祝我生日快乐英文例句: 1.祝我生日快乐! I wish a happy birthday! 2.我的朋友没有一个祝我生日快乐。 None of my friends wished me a happy birthday. 3.祝我生日快...
在汉语中,宣传这个词十分常用,但译成英文时总存在误用的情况。汉语的宣传,强调对公众讲明一件事情。英语一般用propaganda、publicity来表示。 Propaganda的意思为 ideas or statements that may be f...
漂亮的英文单词有: beautiful; pretty; beautiful; good-looking; handsome 漂亮的英文单词的例句: 1.是做到完美,使用漂亮的零错误句法? Was it being perfect, using beautiful syntax with no mistakes? 2.她是个漂亮的女孩...
永远的英文 always;forever;ever;in perpetuity;eternity 永远的英文例句: 1、永远要给人们加油打气,而不是贬低他们。 Always leave people feeling bigger instead of smaller. 2 .他们将永远互相束缚。 They would be f...
当别人对你说thank you的时候,你是不是都只会回应you are welcome!,这是大家从教科书中学到最基础的回应方式,但是每次都用这一句话来回答就显得有点干巴巴了。对于不用谢的表达方式其实...